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Arlington County (VA) passed a series of “missing middle housing” ordinances allowing up to six units on a residential lot. Prior to this legislation only single-detached homes were permitted in 79% of the County’s residential land area. Single detached homes are often the most expensive form of...
In 2024, the San Jose City Council adopted the Tenant Preferences Program to set aside 35% of affordable apartments funded with City funds for lower-income applicants who live in areas with high displacement pressures or who already live in the neighborhood of a particular affordable housing...
San Jose Preference Policy.pdf
In 2023, the Berkely City Council passed the Affordable Housing Preference Policy to address historical racial injustices, particularly for the Black community, who have been disproportionately impacted by exclusionary housing policies. The policy establishes seven preferences designed to assist...
7_11_2023; CLK - Agenda Packet (Public); Health, Housing and Community Services; ; REGULAR; Referral Response_ Affordable Housing Preference Policy for Rental Housing Created Through the Below Mar.pdf
The City of Evanston passed a reparations program in the form of payments for housing related expenses. The program provides 25,000 for home ownership, home improvement, and mortgage assistance. The next phase of the program provides reperations in the form of direct cash payments. In...
In 2023, City of Louisville worked with tenant organizations and residents of historically Black neighborhoods to design the City's Anti-Displacement Law. This law blocks government resources from supporting residential development without housing that is affordable for households in the...
Louisville KY Anti-Displacement Law.pdf
Albuquerque's Office of Equity is first equity office to lead a housing and economic development needs assessment for Black and Native community members. The assesment includes an audit of harmful actions made against Black and Native communities, cites racially disagregated data, and...
Following advocacy by a community coalition, Portand leaders adopted equitable growth policies in its 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Policies include new planning practices to analyze displacement risk and mitigate impacts, use inclusive community planning practices, require affordable housing in all...
Beginning in 2018, communities of color began organizing through the SW Corridor Equity Coalition to develop an equitable development strategy alongside planning for a proposed light rail line in SW Portland and the City of Tigard. They worked with the regional government and local...
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The City of Seattle adopted the Mandatory Housing Affordability Program to ensure that new development contributes to rent-restricted, income-qualified homes for low-income people. This requirement was implemented by changing zoning to allow larger development and more housing throughout the...
The Portland Housing Bureau instituted the N/NE Neighborhood Housing Preference Policy following years of organizing and advocacy by Black residents impacted by urban renewal. The initiative seeks to redress impacted communities by providing preference to those directly impacted or descended...
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