Housing Justice Narratives and Communications: Research and Promising Practices
What: New research-informed housing narrative and communications tools are available to help racial equity practitioners in housing, planning, and community development agencies effectively engage supporters of racially equitable housing solutions while also reframing dominant negative narratives about housing for audiences who are skeptical or actively oppose those solutions. The research and tools were developed through the Housing Justice Narrative Partnership, a collaboration of Race Forward, Community Change, and PolicyLink working with nine community coalitions advancing housing justice. This interactive session is hosted by the partnership and will introduce the research and tools, share how they are being used by community coalitions, and explore how they could be used in government settings.
Why: Race Forward is bringing its over 40 years of experience and systemic approach to advancing racial justice to be a consistent influence in the housing and development sector. A new Housing, Land, and Development Project (HLDP) will roll out strategies over the next year to leverage our recent investments in public opinion research, community capacity building partnerships, and expansion of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity. One of the first strategies is to disseminate products such as the housing justice narrative research and tools throughout the GARE Network.
For more details contact Ryan Curren, Director of Housing, Land, and Development, at rcurren@raceforward.org.
Date, Time, and Duration:
This 60-minute session will take place on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST/12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST/11:00 am – 12:00 pm MST/10:00 am - 11:00 am PST.
How to attend:
To attend this meeting, please register in advance for the Zoom meeting by clicking here or using this link: https://raceforward-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtd-GorzMrEtWcSkDW_rla-Ui4Fw8ov6lt
This program is for:
Communications specialists
Community engagement specialists
Practitioners working in housing, planning, and community development agencies
Participants will be introduced to public opinion research results on housing narratives
Participants will learn how this research is being used by community campaigns and coalitions working for housing justice including how to talk about racism and housing.
Participants will be introduced to two new tools to apply this research to their work and leave curious to learn more about applying them in a government setting.
Participants will be invited to join GARE’s new Housing, Land, and Development Network Group
Session format:
This is a presentation and workshop with group discussions
If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Curren, at rcurren@raceforward.org. If you missed any of our past sessions, check out the recordings on the Portal!
We can’t wait to see you there!
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